The Wormhole of Daath

×× 93 ---- IO PanDaemonAeon ---- 696 ××
×× ? Zazaz Zazaz Nasatanada Zazaz ! ××

Greetings fellow brothers and sisters,

I found this text (attached) today at my pc and I didn't have read it yet. Now I see that this is a good research for all interested at 2012 transition. I finished to read The Pleadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow and I found many ressonance with my ayahuaska trips and magickal workings. Additional to this I did a research about Ayahuaska and Serpent and found the work of Jeremy Narby ( Jeremy Narby is a PhD scientist who studied the conections of serpent visions of Ashaninka tribe who drink the kamarampi (ayahuaska) and the DNA concept of the biomolecular biology. Doing it, he learned that amazon shamans learn from ayahuaska the same things that scientists learn studing the DNA. It is said that the DNA emit some photons what can correspond to the light visions of these who drink ayahuaska.

It seens to me that this correspond to Photons Belt and Serpent Medicine told at The Pleadian Agenda. I heard at a seminar about Santo Daime (ayahuaska) at my university that the Santo Daime came from the pleiades and there are a hymn that says that Santo Daime is stellar and came to earth only to heal.

I recall reading that the Mayas used DMT (ayahuaska alkaloid) and mushrooms. Maybe they used this to do interstellar travels and communicate with intelligences of other dimensions. Terence McKenna doing his research at DMT and mushrooms when he was with his brother Dennis McKenna at amazon jungle had a insight about I-Ching and the planet history. He put the DNA hexagrams at planet history and found that it would end at 2012! They didn't known anything yet about the maya calendar when they publish this in the first edition of The invisible landscapes. When they discovered that this was a important date to the mayas they revised all the material and expanded the research. Some people do a lot of connections of the 64 DNA codons and the 64 I-Ching hexagrams. Jose Arguelles in his Mayan Factor tell us some this correspondences with his view of the Mayan Calendar.

The best synthesis of some of this ideas is the workings of Orryelle like Aeonics, The Book of Spider and Chakra Global Piercing ritual. Studing it we can learn more about paradigm shift, the rainbow serpent, mushroom/ayahuaska experiences and interdimensional travel with a egg.

It's all in the egg!

In Lak'ech (I'm other you),
AShTarot Cognatus - Hun Eb [Yellow Magnetic Human]

"Sometimes there as moment that you awaken and become aware of the real world around you. But u still dreaming" - Astral Projection - Fly

"Now cease to seek for heaven in the sky; Just open up the windows of your hearts and, like a flood of light, a heaven will come and bring a boundless joy." - Circle Seven Koran, Noble Drew Ali
