More about Santo Daime:
A.´.C.´. Bhaktitantra Swami Ramananda Rekkas
----- Original Message -----
From: "FLT Announcements"
To: "Planetary Kin" <announcements@...>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 1:13 PM
Subject: FLT: Day Out of Time! (7/25/2006) Global Events and Extra-terrestrial Contact!
Year of the Yellow Cosmic Seed Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Seli 23 Kin 202, White Resonant Wind
"I channel in order to communicate ..."
Greetings of Universal Peace!
The Day Out of Time/Green Day is looking us straight in the eye, the completion of the Cosmic Seed year is the completion of an entire 13-year Wavespell Cycle of the Seed; target, flowering, awareness. After this Day Out of Time we begin a new 13-year Wavespell Cycle of the Moon; purify, flow, universal water!
Check out the new website and see information about MANY of the Day Out of Time events happening worldwide!
Are you organizing a Day Out of Time/Green Day event in your area?
please send flyers of festivals, photos and other information to:
En Español: cat@...
Green Day Extraterrestrial Contact
Kin 208 Yellow Cosmic Star Day Out of Time 2006
All Points Alert Bulletin
"Green day: always corresponds to Gregorian calendar date, July 25, in order for the galactic-solar year to synchronize with the 52-year cycle; independent of the 13 moons, green day is known as galactic freedom day." Dreamspell, the Journey of Timeship Earth 2013, p.37.
"Never could our planet use outside help more than now." Michael Luckman, Alien Rock, The Rock 'n' Roll Extraterrestrial Connection, Pocket Books, 2005, p. 301
"Rock 'n' roll and UFOs is the mantra of the new millennium ... The hope is that extraterrestrials will send a signal back - the first huge step in joining the civilizations ..." Michael Luckman, Alien Rock, p. 289
Kin 208 Yellow Cosmic Star
I endure in order to beautify
Transcending art
I seal the store of elegance
with the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of free will
Take Magic Flight!
According to the Dreamspell mythology, it is 208 steps to Merlin's Tower, then comes entry to the Green Central Castle of Enchantment, the Court of the Matrix and the Moon Genesis. This means that the Day out of Time, Kin 208, should be the most magical Day out of Time yet. Originally called green day because green is the overtone chromatic color signifying the galactic fifth force, this Day out of Time let us all exercise our galactic freedom and contact the Galactic Federation. With only six and a half years to the Closing of the Cycle this is the moment to send the signal to space and see if the Galactic Federation won't beam us back a reply.
Flying saucers from other worlds dropped in unexpectedly at the original Woodstock Festival, in New York and at the Jimi Hendrix Rainbow Bridge concert in Hawai'i - so why won't they respond to a synchronized signal sent by groups of meditators and concerts intentionally beaming a psychic signal to space. Everything depends on our intention, focus and synchronized effort to communicate and see if we can't establish two-way communication. After all, every year we receive signals in the form of ever
more fascinating crop circles, so why don't we send a few signals that we are all familiar with and see if we don't get a signal back. Why don't we send the banner of peace and Hunab Ku/galactic shield symbols out into space - telepathically, and wherever we can by laser beams.
There are several ways we can do this. First of all, wherever there are Day Out of Time gatherings, as early in the day as possible - pre-dawn is best when the airwaves are pretty clear - we should take time to sit in a circle and come to absolute quiet and natural mind peacefulness. Then, after fifteen minutes or so, all together we should concentrate and visualize in our mind the symbol of the banner of peace. This is easy to do. Think that all of us gathered at this particular place have the same image in mind, concentrating on it without distraction. Then, as we hold that image as clear and distinct as we can make it in our imaginal
mind, visualize that the projections of this symbol are being sent radially out from that circle, beaming it to the farthest reaches of space. In your mind and heart you should fill that visualization with pure unconditional love, requesting fervently that it be and that the Galactic Federation is requested to help bring peace to the planet by first sending some kind of sign that it has received our message.
(to see the images click here:
Then, after another fifteen minutes or so of beaming the banner of peace symbol, you can follow that up with the hunab ku/galactic shield visualization (this is the one on the Dreamspell kit). Gathering yourself in silence again for another fifteen minutes or so, then as before, commence to visualize the hunab ku/galactic shield. After you have the image as distinct and clear as you can get it in your mind's eye, then again begin to project it into space, radiating out in so many beams from your circle. This time your intention is to contact the extraterrestrial intelligence, for you need knowledge and help for your planet. Feel fervently in your heart and mind how such supermental knowledge at this time could help your planet solve its problems.
Finally, after another fifteen minutes of visualizing and projecting, take another fifteen minutes or so to return to the calm and quiet of the natural mind meditation, always minding the gap. Then to complete the exercise, do the rainbow bridge visualization, feeling the rainbow projecting from the poles of the Earth. Once again, as you complete the visualization, send it to out into deepest space radiating out from your circle of galactic freedom lovers, letting the Galactic Federation know of your vision for 2012 and
requesting that whatever assistance they can give for the fulfillment of this vision, it will be most profoundly appreciated.
That is the first part of the exercise. Then later in the day if there are any concerts, let the performance of these be on behalf of sending a signal into space in the hope that it may be heard or received and reciprocated in some way. Nothing particularly special has to be done, but merely that the performers and audience know that the intention of this concert is specifically to send a signal to space on behalf of
galactic freedom on Earth. If there are evening events, or in any case in the evening, where there might be the technology to do so, laser lights bearing the symbols of the banner of peace and the galactic shield should be projected upwards into the sky, signaling the extraterrestrials that a unified, synchronized effort is being made to communicate with them, that we know we need their help and that we are ready to receive them in whatever way they wish to manifest or communicate.
The more people on Earth that can participate in this effort, the better. As the earth turns there will be a moving 24 hour synchronization of meditation, concerts and laser light shows all beaming the same message: we are in peace; we need your intelligence; we are ready for you; 2012 is very near now. Can you help us?
Everything depends on clarity of mind, selflessness, compassion, and no expectation to receive anything in the familiar paradigm, but something totally unexpected, perhaps even as some radically new intuition or perception collectively perceived. Purify your body and mind. Be ready.
Klatu Barada Nikto!
Honoring the Presence of Red Lightning Child Great Emptiness
Galactic Research Institute
Foundation for the Law of Time
Foundation for the Law of Time
PO Box 156, Ashland OR 97520. USA
Here in Brazil I and some other people we be doing a Santo Daime ritual in a place called "House of Shiva", where we work with Santo Daime hyms and mantras. Sometimes we do a agni hotra also. There are deities of Ganesh, Shiva Linga, Kali Ma and Sacinananda (Cheitanya Mahaprabhu). I will become a "Fardado" at this day. The Fardado is a initiated at Santo Daime who believe that he is a soldier of the Rainflorest Queen (Virgin Mary). I will also be doing "Day Out of Time" meditations.
More about Santo Daime:
A.´.C.´. Bhaktitantra Swami Ramananda Rekkas
----- Original Message -----
From: "FLT Announcements"
To: "Planetary Kin" <announcements@...>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 1:13 PM
Subject: FLT: Day Out of Time! (7/25/2006) Global Events and Extra-terrestrial Contact!
Year of the Yellow Cosmic Seed Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Seli 23 Kin 202, White Resonant Wind
"I channel in order to communicate ..."
Greetings of Universal Peace!
The Day Out of Time/Green Day is looking us straight in the eye, the completion of the Cosmic Seed year is the completion of an entire 13-year Wavespell Cycle of the Seed; target, flowering, awareness. After this Day Out of Time we begin a new 13-year Wavespell Cycle of the Moon; purify, flow, universal water!
Check out the new website and see information about MANY of the Day Out of Time events happening worldwide!
Are you organizing a Day Out of Time/Green Day event in your area?
please send flyers of festivals, photos and other information to:
En Español: cat@...
Green Day Extraterrestrial Contact
Kin 208 Yellow Cosmic Star Day Out of Time 2006
All Points Alert Bulletin
"Green day: always corresponds to Gregorian calendar date, July 25, in order for the galactic-solar year to synchronize with the 52-year cycle; independent of the 13 moons, green day is known as galactic freedom day." Dreamspell, the Journey of Timeship Earth 2013, p.37.
"Never could our planet use outside help more than now." Michael Luckman, Alien Rock, The Rock 'n' Roll Extraterrestrial Connection, Pocket Books, 2005, p. 301
"Rock 'n' roll and UFOs is the mantra of the new millennium ... The hope is that extraterrestrials will send a signal back - the first huge step in joining the civilizations ..." Michael Luckman, Alien Rock, p. 289
Kin 208 Yellow Cosmic Star
I endure in order to beautify
Transcending art
I seal the store of elegance
with the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of free will
Take Magic Flight!
According to the Dreamspell mythology, it is 208 steps to Merlin's Tower, then comes entry to the Green Central Castle of Enchantment, the Court of the Matrix and the Moon Genesis. This means that the Day out of Time, Kin 208, should be the most magical Day out of Time yet. Originally called green day because green is the overtone chromatic color signifying the galactic fifth force, this Day out of Time let us all exercise our galactic freedom and contact the Galactic Federation. With only six and a half years to the Closing of the Cycle this is the moment to send the signal to space and see if the Galactic Federation won't beam us back a reply.
Flying saucers from other worlds dropped in unexpectedly at the original Woodstock Festival, in New York and at the Jimi Hendrix Rainbow Bridge concert in Hawai'i - so why won't they respond to a synchronized signal sent by groups of meditators and concerts intentionally beaming a psychic signal to space. Everything depends on our intention, focus and synchronized effort to communicate and see if we can't establish two-way communication. After all, every year we receive signals in the form of ever
more fascinating crop circles, so why don't we send a few signals that we are all familiar with and see if we don't get a signal back. Why don't we send the banner of peace and Hunab Ku/galactic shield symbols out into space - telepathically, and wherever we can by laser beams.
There are several ways we can do this. First of all, wherever there are Day Out of Time gatherings, as early in the day as possible - pre-dawn is best when the airwaves are pretty clear - we should take time to sit in a circle and come to absolute quiet and natural mind peacefulness. Then, after fifteen minutes or so, all together we should concentrate and visualize in our mind the symbol of the banner of peace. This is easy to do. Think that all of us gathered at this particular place have the same image in mind, concentrating on it without distraction. Then, as we hold that image as clear and distinct as we can make it in our imaginal
mind, visualize that the projections of this symbol are being sent radially out from that circle, beaming it to the farthest reaches of space. In your mind and heart you should fill that visualization with pure unconditional love, requesting fervently that it be and that the Galactic Federation is requested to help bring peace to the planet by first sending some kind of sign that it has received our message.
(to see the images click here:
Then, after another fifteen minutes or so of beaming the banner of peace symbol, you can follow that up with the hunab ku/galactic shield visualization (this is the one on the Dreamspell kit). Gathering yourself in silence again for another fifteen minutes or so, then as before, commence to visualize the hunab ku/galactic shield. After you have the image as distinct and clear as you can get it in your mind's eye, then again begin to project it into space, radiating out in so many beams from your circle. This time your intention is to contact the extraterrestrial intelligence, for you need knowledge and help for your planet. Feel fervently in your heart and mind how such supermental knowledge at this time could help your planet solve its problems.
Finally, after another fifteen minutes of visualizing and projecting, take another fifteen minutes or so to return to the calm and quiet of the natural mind meditation, always minding the gap. Then to complete the exercise, do the rainbow bridge visualization, feeling the rainbow projecting from the poles of the Earth. Once again, as you complete the visualization, send it to out into deepest space radiating out from your circle of galactic freedom lovers, letting the Galactic Federation know of your vision for 2012 and
requesting that whatever assistance they can give for the fulfillment of this vision, it will be most profoundly appreciated.
That is the first part of the exercise. Then later in the day if there are any concerts, let the performance of these be on behalf of sending a signal into space in the hope that it may be heard or received and reciprocated in some way. Nothing particularly special has to be done, but merely that the performers and audience know that the intention of this concert is specifically to send a signal to space on behalf of
galactic freedom on Earth. If there are evening events, or in any case in the evening, where there might be the technology to do so, laser lights bearing the symbols of the banner of peace and the galactic shield should be projected upwards into the sky, signaling the extraterrestrials that a unified, synchronized effort is being made to communicate with them, that we know we need their help and that we are ready to receive them in whatever way they wish to manifest or communicate.
The more people on Earth that can participate in this effort, the better. As the earth turns there will be a moving 24 hour synchronization of meditation, concerts and laser light shows all beaming the same message: we are in peace; we need your intelligence; we are ready for you; 2012 is very near now. Can you help us?
Everything depends on clarity of mind, selflessness, compassion, and no expectation to receive anything in the familiar paradigm, but something totally unexpected, perhaps even as some radically new intuition or perception collectively perceived. Purify your body and mind. Be ready.
Klatu Barada Nikto!
Honoring the Presence of Red Lightning Child Great Emptiness
Galactic Research Institute
Foundation for the Law of Time
Foundation for the Law of Time
PO Box 156, Ashland OR 97520. USA
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